Newsletter #3: WRC-23 and Disputes over the Radio Spectrum

We invite you to read the latest edition of our newsletter where we address disputes over the radio spectrum, a finite natural and intangible resource with growing demand whose future will be discussed at the World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC), an international event that starts this Monday, November 20th in Dubai and will take place until mid-December.

In this new edition on convergent regulation in communications, we present the first episode of our podcast “Por Todos los Medios”. This format will accompany us throughout the project, and we will use it to casually talk about communications, new media, regulation and their impact on society.

We also tell you about the different activities in which our researchers have participated, such as: the CNTV seminar on the regulatory challenges of television, where researchers Chiara Sáez and Patricia Peña discussed the impact of technomedia convergence and regulation in national media, comparative experiences and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in formulated public policies; the meeting to analyze the main findings of the first report of the Advisory Commission Against Disinformation, of which Patricia Peña is a member; the meeting between UNESCO Santiago and students from Universidad de las Américas (UDLA) in which co-researcher Javier García participated to celebrate the: “International Day for Universal Access to Information"; and the invitation extended to Patricia Peña to be part of the "Algorithms, News and Pluralism in Social Media", event organized by the Forum on Information and Democracy in Uruguay.

Additionally, research assistant Jorge Avilés shares his column about appointments in autonomous agencies and how the power is concentrated in the Executive and the Senate, where there is high consensus within the institutional design of democratic states regarding the benefits of having autonomous bodies that oversee the performance of government or private entities and regulate specific industries and economic sectors.

You can read the full newsletter here!




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