Equipo Regulación Convergente expone en conferencia anual ICONS Chile

ICONS Chile Conference: Judicial Activism for Public Policy Design

The #RegulaciónConvergente team was present in the second annual conference of the Chilean Chapter of the International Society of Public Law (ICON•S), an interdisciplinary forum that that seeks to discuss the contemporary challenges of public law

Fondecyt Project 1230748 led by our lead researcher Chiara Sáez was part of the 19 panels and 4 plenary sessions that gathered nearly 90 scholars to analyze the current scopes of administrative law, constitutional law, international law and related fields such as political science, political theory, jurisprudence and political history at a national and regional level.

The panel “Challenges of the Regulatory and Institutional Framework in Communications and Freedom of Expression” was organized by the Observatory of the Right to Communication, and addressed various current issues related to freedom of expression and the right to information in the country from a multidisciplinary perspective: the libel and slander framework, the institutionalism of communications, the challenges of the Advisory Commission against Disinformation and the constitutional debate on these topics.

“It was an interesting opportunity to open a discussion about the legal and administrative facet of a new convergent regulatory institutionalism of communications in a broader context in which other aspects of the legal framework of communications were also addressed, such as the limits and possibilities of the constitutional framework, the authoritarian enclave implicit in the application of criminal law in libel and slander cases, or the specific challenges that emerge from discussing what it means to regulate disinformation,” said Sáez.



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