Javier García en ECP 2024

We Participated in the Popular Communication School Organized by the Association of Community Channels

The lead researcher of #RegulaciónConvergente, Chiara Sáez, and co-researcher Javier García were part of the new version of the Popular Communication School promoted by the Association of Community Channels, aimed at generating a space for learning and exchanging information, experience and knowledge on popular communication.

The event held on January 26th to 28th at the San Miguel Cultural Center had the specific goal of developing capacities and abilities related to the use of audiovisual language and community television. It also invited attendees to reflect on the role of community television and popular communicators. 

Sáez and García conducted the workshops “Public Policy Formulation Proposal for Community Communication” and “Safety and Protection Strategies for Community Communicators”, respectively.

The academic at the Faculty of Communication and Image (FCEI) of Universidad de Chile stated that “it is important to me to participate in this event organized every year by the community channels to share and give back the results of studies we have conducted with them or based on demands they have expressed regarding issues in which they need guidance, support or proposals. It is part of how I understand the University’s role in generating and systematizing knowledge.”

García noted that “these spaces are very important for the development of community media. They combine the training dimension with the exchange of experiences among the media and also allow civil society organizations and the academia to have direct contact with the sector.”

The meeting is also a place to forge collaborative alliances that allow mobilizing financial, human, political and technological resources to promote strategies that contribute to the sustainability of community channels and strengthen the Association’s legitimacy and credibility as an interlocutor with the public sector and the community in general.

Watch a video of the event here.



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